Basic Boarding: Indoor/Outdoor Pet Run Edition

A 3 X 5 foot indoor kennel with access to a 3 X 5 foot enclosed outdoor run. Outdoor run’s look out over our dog walking yard. Doors leading to the outside runs will be closed over night and during bad weather conditions as a safety precaution.

Call (318) 224-2255 for pricing!

Deluxe Boarding

Our Deluxe Suites are spacious, private boarding rooms located near the front of the facility. Sizing of rooms vary. Please be sure to book these in advance as we only have a few of these spaces available.

Basic Boarding: Modular Pet Pen Edition

An enjoyable alternative to your everyday dog kennel. These 4 X 4 foot pet pens provide a more relaxed atmosphere for your pets. *Size and temperament restrictions may apply.*